I was born in Portsmouth and moved to Peterborough in the early 2000's
Having over 40 years of photography experience first of all as a hobby then professionally. I have had numerous images published both in print and on television.
Having worked for a major events organisation where I have shot events big and small. I also shot the portraits of many celebrities both at events and in a studio environment.
I also teach photography online in various formats.
I am a firm believer in the power of photography. The emotions and connection with a photograph is something I feel can never be understated.
A photograph is more than a memory in my opinion. I think to hold a photograph is a tangible link to times gone by, and a connection to possibly a loved one who is with you no more.
With this in mind, I take the responsibility of shooting any portrait as a honour, rather than a right, I would bring all of my experience to endeavour to make the whole experience an enjoyable one.